Cocomelody Mag

10 Most Common Wedding Planning Mistakes to Avoid

You’ve looked forward to your wedding day since you were a little girl playing dress-up and practicing your walk down the aisle. As the real thing approaches, you’d realize that there are many, many details involved in planning the perfect wedding day. With so much going on, it’s easy to overlook some crucial little parts that could wreck the whole thing.

So, to help you stay on track and experience the perfect wedding, consider these ten common wedding mistakes to avoid.

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1. Wedding overload

You’re engaged! We bet, you had bought your first wedding magazines and started planning your perfect wedding within the week. Full speed ahead, you started jotting down thoughts and details, contacted your friends for advice on whether you should go for the classic trumpet wedding dress or a custom wedding dress  online. Your mom probably went into warp speed as well, wanting to help you with every detail. But hold on a minute! Stop and enjoy the moment. Enjoy being engaged before you kick into action. You don’t want your fiancé to reconsider what he has gotten himself into. Pick a date far enough out so that you don’t have to rush through the planning stages and burn yourself out way before the event itself.

2. Guest list drama

Make sure that everyone knows who’s invited. Every family has relatives that are not universally loved, but do your best to avoid drama. If, for example, your stepmom’s ex-husband from her first marriage is a close personal friend of your aunt Betty and is on the invite list, make sure everyone involved knows about it. The last thing you want as you line up to walk down the aisle is a shouting match in the foyer!

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3. Dent in the budget

Sinking all your funds and savings into your wedding is perhaps the most dangerous wedding planning mistake you could make because after the wedding you’ll have completely nothing to live on. You have a budget for a reason. It’s the sum of money you have available to splurge on your big day. With the present state of the economy, it doesn’t make sense to overspend and start your married life in debt.

4. Weather or not

When picking a venue, consider the time of the year and weather in your area. Sure, it may be blue skies and chirping birds on the day you get engaged but that may not be the case on your wedding day. Outside weddings are beautiful but have a backup plan just in case. An unexpected snow storm in June isn’t something you or your guests will want to experience. Even if the backup venue isn’t the perfect setting, it’s better to have something to resort to if Mother Nature has other plans for your wedding day.

5. One more round

After months of planning, you don’t want to be in such a state that you cannot enjoy your wedding day. If your bachelorette or bachelor party is the night before or even if your rehearsal dinner includes free flowing alcohol, you’ll need to consider what you and your entire wedding party have ahead of you the next day. So, encourage everyone to drink responsibly, yourself included!

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6. Hunger strike

With everything that’s going on all at once on your wedding day, this isn’t the time to go on a hunger strike! Many brides have fainted at the altar simply because the events of the day were overwhelming and they forgot to eat! So, eat a good breakfast and find the time to chow down between accepting congratulations and welcoming guests.

7. Not the perfect fit

You have the perfect wedding gown. You’ve had it since the month you were engaged and now you’re ready to wear it in style. But, sadly, it has been months since you last tried your dress on and something has changed! Bigger or smaller, it doesn’t matter, it just doesn’t fit! Remember to try your dress on so that you have enough time should alterations be required. Also, take a small sewing kit with you just in case anyone needs a quick repair.

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8. Rings, what rings?

Dress- check. Makeup-check. Hair- check. Flowers- check. Ready to walk down the aisle? Not so fast! Make sure someone has remembered the wedding rings. If you have a ring bearer you may not want to entrust him with the real things. Little boys love to swing those ring pillows around and you don’t want to be surprised when you get to that point in the ceremony and the rings are nowhere to be found. Just do a quick double check to make sure the appointed person has them… both of them, if you’re having a double ring ceremony.

9. Too late to say “thanks”

Weddings are fun for most but there’s a bit of effort, even on your guest’s part. They are expected to show up on time, dress nicely and behave themselves. Wedding Favors are nice takeaways that show your appreciation for their presence but don’t forget their presents too. Send wedding thank you notes as soon as possible but no later than two months following the wedding. Even if you thanked them in person you should send a formal handwritten note of appreciation.

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10. In the zone

The biggest mistake any bride can make is to not take a moment to enjoy the day. With all of the planning finally coming together it’s easy to get lost in the mayhem and forget that this is your wedding day. Tell yourself now to remember to step back and take in all of the sights, sounds, tastes and smells on your big day. This is a once in a lifetime experience and you don’t want to miss out on the nuances.

The last word

Houston, we have a problem. No bride wants to hear those words, but know that no matter how painstakingly you have planned your wedding, there’s bound to be some sort of glitch. Don’t stress over them! Just accept that you’re the center of everyone’s attention and relish the moment.

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