Cocomelody Mag

5 wedding day myths you can totally ignore

Are you in the middle of your wedding planning and find yourself confronted with all sorts of customs and beliefs that go along with weddings? Understand that while some of these ‘traditions’ really do make sense; others are just outright ridiculous and can totally be shrugged off. Here are five such wedding day myths that you can toss aside.

Style: #LD3734, Image Credit: Wah Photo

Myth 1: You cannot be officially engaged without a diamond ring

Uh, yes, you can! You can be officially engaged with a sapphire ring, a ruby ring, a plain band or no ring whatsoever! Some couples can’t afford a diamond ring, and there are even a few women out there (a very few!) who just don’t wear jewelry. We know that ring is a symbol of the engagement, but the only thing necessary to make it official is the bride saying “yes” when her boyfriend asks her to marry him.

Myth 2: Weddings need to be grand

Your wedding is going to be the most special day of your life so far. After all, it’s the day you get bound with the person you love and you’re doing this in front of people you care about the most. Your focus, therefore, should be on celebrating your union and not on making a spectacle out of it. Of course, we’re not against grand wedding ceremonies. If you want a big affair, more power to you. But there may come a point where the grandeur overpowers the genuineness of what’s meant to be the beginning of a new life for you.

This is why many brides today are choosing a theme wedding instead of an extravagant union and you can certainly take the same route. This can be anything from a fairytale wedding to a beach themed wedding to a Star Wars themed wedding or even an elopement, you get the idea!

Combination of style: #LD5066 + #LD5054, Image Credit: Maya Lora Photography

Myth 3: The wedding dress can only be white

This one has to be the most popular of all the wedding day myths around. When it comes to wedding dresses, few people will actually think about anything other than a white wedding gown. The decision to wear white or not was often literally tied to a bride’s wholesomeness in the past. In fact, a white wedding dress has been the symbol of purity since Queen Victoria chose to wear one for her wedding in 1840. But that was almost 180 years ago. Today, you’re free to wear your gown in any color of your choosing. Choosing a blue, champagne, pink or even a black wedding dress is a matter of your personal taste and preference. Even if you don’t want to go all out with the colors, you can still pick a trendy gown (like a mermaid wedding dress) in ivory or pearl white.

Myth 4: Bridesmaids should wear matching colors

Your bridesmaids are individuals, each with her own unique sense of style and taste. While attendants may be expected to wear the same bridesmaid dress, the truth is that they would prefer styles which are similar but not identical. It’s best that you go for convertible bridesmaid dresses in the same color for your girls that they can wear however they like. This will keep the look of your wedding uniform, while also keeping your girls happy. That’s a win-win in our books.

Styles (from left to right): #COZF1500B & #COZF140A1, Image Credit: Anna Gomes Photo

Myth 5: The parents of the bride pay for the wedding

This certainly used to be true, but it’s no longer the case. These days, there are very few weddings that don’t involve any financial contribution from the bride and groom. There’s no right and wrong; it’s more a matter of who’s willing and able to contribute what. Often the parents of the bride and the parents of the groom will chip in and pay for it together. Sometimes the couple will contribute as well, or even pay for the whole thing themselves. This is often true for couples who have established careers.

People get all sorts of ideas in their heads about weddings. What is right, what is wrong, what you simply “must have” or what you should never do. And if you are engaged, you have probably had plenty of well-meaning people tell you all about how you should plan your wedding. Well, not all of that advice can be true, and it certainly isn’t. So, instead of freaking out and giving in to what other people demand is “right” for your wedding, do what you think is right!

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