Cocomelody Mag

Real Wedding: Ivana & Siegfried

Ivana and Siegfried tied the knot in Sikirevci, Croatia. They have a unique wedding theme of “Austria meets Croatia”, which was influenced by two family cultures. The whole day was perfect and Ivana looked simply stunning in Style Anne! We could just feel the love through their photos, and we can’t wait to share their special day with you! Congratulations Ivana and Siegfried!

All photos were taken by Marin Ivezic Photography.

Wedding Dress Style: #LD5801

Q: Any advice or tips for future Mrs.?

Respect and Communication is the key. (and a good sense of humor 🙂 ) Siegfried and me are both totally different people. we have different hobbies, a different taste in music and we don´t always think the same way. but we always meet each other half way. we have big respect one for another and we always talk about everything. also we have the same taste in humor. when we look at each other, we exactly know what the other person thinks. we always tell each other “I love you2 and share a good night kiss before sleep, even if we had a fight. its not always easy, but it shows that we still love each other and its us two against the problem. stay interested in your partner, ask him how his day was, tell him you love him and communicate your feelings, fears and happy moments. and always keep the respect.

Q: What was the inspiration behind your wedding theme?

My Husband is from Austria. I was also born and grew up there, but my family is croatian. And even if was born in Austria, i consider myself as croatian , because I grew up with the croatian culture, only spoke croatian at home and learned to live the croatian lifestyle. we wanted to have a wedding that was influenced by both cultures – the austrian and croatian. most of the traditions we had at our wedding were croatian, and we decided to get married there because croatian weddings are absolutely the best. they last almost 3 days, all the family and friends come together and its a big party with a lot of joy, food and music. we had about 250 guests, about 100 were from austria. it was a completely new experience for austrian people to visit a croatian wedding. but we also had austrian music, drinks and modern traditions. the band we had played everything, from elvis to croatian national music, german songs and bon jovi, they had everything. as all of our guests were very open minded, everybody danced with everyone, we laughed and danced and ate the whole night and everything was just perfect. the whole wedding was also inspired by a vintage theme. I made the decoration and presents all by myself with my family and friends.

Q: Tell us your love story! Where & How did he propose?

We met in 2013. I saw him on a night out and immediately had a warm feeling. he actually didnt noticed me at all at first. but a friend introduced us to each other. at first we didnt had a lot of contact, we just greeted each other when we met on a night out. one night in 2014 I was on a night out, tripped and fell right before siegfried. he helped me up and we looked at each other. it was embarassing for me, but some kind of romantic too. we started to text each other, but it was difficult for us to meet each other because i started to work at a kindergarten and he is a chef and never had a lot of time. but we tried. at first we just dated for 4 months. I was always so nervous, that I always embaressed myself so much. he always had something to laugh and found it really sympathic that I was so nervous. after 4 months he asked me to be his girlfriend. I wasnt sure about a realtionship, because we are so different, haven´t had a lot of time together, but I wanted to give it a try. after a short time I fell so much in love, and I fall in love with him everyday more. in 2017 he asked me to be his wife in venice after he asked my parents for permission. and this summer we got married.

Q: How would you define the message “Dare to Love”?

Dare to love – dare to love yourself, dare to love god, dare to love every little detail in your life that gives you joy and happiness, dare to spread love and dare to completely get lost in love, no matter what happened in your past, or may happen in your future. just completely let love overhelm you and dare to be loved! then you will understand the sense of life.

Q: What was the best/most memorable part of the day?

The best part of the day was when after the wedding ceremony and church Siegfried and me, my bridesmaids and maid of honour drove with a jeep wrangler without roof towards the wedding hall. freshly married, happy as ever and with all of our friends and guests in the cars behind us we drove through the village to good music. we partied in the jeep, all the people waved us, the summerwind was warm and the sun was going down. it was the best moment of my life.

Q: What did you love most about your #CocoMelody dress (es)?

I absolutely loved my wedding dresses because it gave me this snowwhite feeling. it was classy, it was comfortable, it was perfect for my figure and it is absolutely timeless. I really felt like a princess. I would never choose any other dress.

Q: What do you think about CocoMelody and the customer service?

CocoMelody really has a lot to offer. something for everyone. I found a dress after half an hour and I was absolutely sure it is the one. it came on time and the price was really good. The service was also really friendly and helped to find my perfect dress.


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