Cocomelody Mag

Real Wedding: Jenni & Landen

If you’re considering eloping, DO IT! Jenni and Landen had an amazing mountain elopement in Provo Utah and enjoyed a fun day with their cute 2-year-old daughter! Everything was beyond perfect in the warm sunlight and Jenni was so glowing in her dream gown – Giulia! Read more about their adorable love story, and check out some of our favorite pics from this beautiful wedding below!

All photos were taken by Alexx Acor Photography.

Wedding Dress Style: #LD5830

Q: Any advice or tips for future Mrs.?

If you’re considering eloping, DO IT! So much easier! And don’t invite anyone you don’t REALLY want there, it’s YOUR day.

Q: What was the inspiration behind your wedding theme?

A wildflower field photo I found on Instagram taken by @brolintaylor.

Q: Tell us your love story! Where & How did he propose?

I met Landen on Tinder, when I first joined Tinder – per my friends advice – she failed to mention that a lot of people use Tinder for hookups/one night stands etc. Sooooo I got a lot of gross guys messaging me, and after like 2 weeks I just said screw it and deleted the app from my phone. Well towards the end of July, I decided I was going to reinstall the app and logon so I could delete my account, but I decided to read the ridiculous messages one last time (I would screenshot them and send them to my friend and we would laugh together about ridiculous some of those people are) Well, I had a message from Landen, that he had sent like the day after I deleted the app, and I remembered him because I liked his bio, it was kinda a poem he had written, as opposed to the other countless bios of “I like sports and the outdoors” So I messaged him back, and we started chatting. (Apparently he was beginning to lose hope that I would ever reply) I had it in my bio that I was a mom, and he asked me how old my kid was, and I told him I actually had three kids – I expected him to “unmatch” with me and the conversation to disappear at that point – but he continued to message me and we talked and got along great.

After about a week of that we talked on the phone for the first time, and we were both super nervous about it, but it went well – he was driving to work while we were talking, and had to get off the phone earlier than expected because a car was stopped in the lane with its hazard lights flashing and he jumped out to help push them to the shoulder safely. We had our first date on August 5th 2017. We went to the Cold Stone ice cream place in American Fork – He’s the first person to not judge me harshly about how I like to put gummy bears in my fruity ice cream. (And I tried to not judge him too harshly for getting cotton candy flavored ice cream – he LOVES cotton candy) I could tell he was nervous, but it was cute. We had a really awkward first hug when we met there, and while we were waiting in line, the first thing that I loved about him was his laugh. After we had ice cream, we had plans to drive up to the flight park at the top of the point of the mountain, but first we stopped at a Maverick gas station to get gas, and water and some snacks. He ran into the gas station to get the stuff, and left me in his truck with the keys in and the truck running, and I thought about moving his truck and parking it elsewhere to mess with him, but decided that would probably just freak him out on a first date. (Talking about it later he found it rather hilarious and said he would have laughed if I had done it lol) We drove up to the point of the mountain, and we walked out to a spot overlooking the Salt Lake Valley with our snacks, water, and blankets.

We sat and talked about all sorts of stuff, about my kids, his family, his parents, my family, life, etc etc etc. We ended up snuggling while we talked, but the wind picked up and was blowing sand in our faces and all over everything, and as soon as we’d face away from the wind, the wind would literally change and be blowing in our faces again. (We still have the sand covered/filled blanket from that first date in a box downstairs) We just fit together perfectly, and we had a great time, and he kissed me goodbye when he took me back to my car. It wasn’t very long after that that he met my then youngest child, Zoe. She was 10 months old at the time, and took an immediate liking to him. Smiling at him, wanting to be held by him, etc. When he met my oldest two, Emma and Alex, I was worried they were going to overwhelm him, they each grabbed one of his hands and was dragging him all over the place, but he enjoyed it (He has three nieces who he’s great with, and he just overall loves kids) We moved in together the first weekend of October 2017, and that is where we currently live, in American Fork. It was a few days before Christmas 2017 when we decided we wanted to have a baby together, (I know, crazy fast, but we are seriously perfect together) and in February the day before the Super Bowl we found out I was pregnant. That baby, Jack, was born in October 2018. (My two oldest children were born in May, and my two youngest were born in October) So 5 1/2 months later, here we are. My kids adore him, his mom and step dad adore all four kids, my mom adores him, and is extremely grateful I have found a man who respects me, loves me, and cares for me, as well as our children.

Q: How would you define the message “Dare to Love”?

Well for me, after getting divorced a few years ago, I didn’t ever think I would ever want to get married again, but Landen changed my mind! You find the right person, and you just know.

Q: What was the best/most memorable part of the day?

When we said I DO Or when my 2 year old daughter threw her flower girl basket and yelled “I don’t want it!!”

Q: What did you love most about your #CocoMelody dress (es)?

My wedding dress is made very well, fit perfectly, loved the built in bra thing!

Q: What do you think about CocoMelody and the customer service?

Excellent customer service, fast shipping, I was very impressed! CocoMelody was amazing!


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