Cocomelody Mag

Real Wedding: Kelsey & Eli

Kelsey & Eli had a mountain elopement in Estes Park, Colorado. From their simple and beautiful scenery by mother nature to the amazing sunset portraits, and of course, Kelsey’s stunning bridal style – we can’t decide which part we love most. Read on to hear more about their wedding details!

All photos were taken by Morgan Jersi Photography.

Wedding Dress Style: #LD5845

Q: Any advice or tips for future Mrs.?

Make it how YOU want it! Don’t do anything that someone else tells you that you have to do. Don’t sweat the small stuff and it will be the happiest day of your life like it was mine. Also, be sure to include your future husband when planning because he probably has some pretty good ideas as well.

Q: What was the inspiration behind your wedding theme?

We both love the mountains and have a connection with nature so we wanted it to be simple and more about the beautiful scenery by mother nature rather than fancy decor.

Q: Tell us your love story! Where & How did he propose?

We officially met in high school and have been friends for longer. We grew up down the street from each other and starting dating in 2011. The past 8 years we have been growing our life together, we bought a home together, have 2 dogs which we spoil like our kids and both work full time. We we’re so excited to finally get away from the everyday life and have a day just about our love to eachother. We have been planning to get married for many years but we wanted to wait til we were financially comfortable and able to make it everything we wanted. (Life is tough in your 20’s lol) We have been through a lot together, as you can guess a lot happens in 8 years. There have been happy days and sad days, but he has always had my back just like i’ve always had his. He is my best friend over everything and i think that’s very important in a relationship. I couldn’t imagine doing this life with anyone else but him.

Q: How would you define the message “Dare to Love”?

Don’t be afraid to love each other with everything you have!

Q: What was the best/most memorable part of the day?

We went to our favorite spot in Estes Park, a place called Mary’s Lake with our photographer Morgan for pictures after the ceremony. This spot had a lot of meaning to us and there was a beautiful sunset while we were taking our pics, I just remember looking at him and thinking of how much I love him in that moment. I think i’m just staring at him in every picture we took at the lake.

Q: What did you love most about your #CocoMelody dress (es)?

My mom and I made some slight alterations to the sleeves because I had this idea to make my wedding dress look off the shoulder. She did the best job and it looked perfect! I always make slight changes to my clothes so I couldn’t resist lol.

Q: What do you think about CocoMelody and the customer service?

Loved the dress! Great quality for ordering online, which can seem scary but i would recommend CocoMelody to everyone! and shipping was quick!


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