Cocomelody Mag

Real Wedding: Laura & Dale

Can you say breathtaking? We fell in love with this wedding as much as we love the greenery view! Laura & Dale chose to say I Do at Two Brooke’s Bar because the name was perfect for both of them. As they get married, they become 2 Brooks. Congratulations to the beautiful couple!

All Photos were taken by Ashleigh Haase Photography.

Wedding Dress Style: #LD3932

Q: Any advice or tips for future Mrs.?

My advice to future Mrs is, Relax, be happy to compromise, your wedding day is not a scripted play, it is a day about love and commitment.

Q: What about your love story?

Our love story… well… where to begin. So about three years ago my husband (ex) and myself and our 6 kids decided to move from Victoria to Magnetic island, Queensland. I was also 36 weeks pregnant with Bub number.7. We literally started from scratch except our sentimental items and our cars. It was fantastic, living in a resort on the ocean on an island, I couldn’t have asked for more. After we were there for a while ‘living the dream’ my husband started saying he was having anxiety and depression and he was finally ready to get it treated (he’d has issues for years but they never really impacted the rest of us and he never wanted to deal with them) About 2 months After he started medication and was trying to better himself I found out completely out of the blue he was having an affair with someone from his workplace. No one saw it coming, he never expressed any drama that he was feeling inside of our relationship. I will never forget the feeling seeing it all there in black and white on the screen, the evidence of the betrayal. Anyways I was feeling tortured with the idea of my kids coming from a “broken home”, and thoughts of how did this happen, I struggled that day, unfortunately it was the day my parents flew in for a 3 day visit, so I slapped on a brave face and played happy families. I was determined to save this 13 year relationship that had 7 young kids involved. I struggled, I couldn’t seem to overcome it at times. Then after about 2 weeks of trying I just couldn’t sleep from stress and I checked his phone and I found out he never stopped contact with the other woman So in the middle of the night I woke him and ended it. The kids and I deserved better. It took me about a week to pack up our belongings, my husband (ex) dropped my car off to be transported down and with his blessings me and the kids moved home to Victoria to our support BUT… In that week I got a random message from a guy from FB who I don’t know. He said check out his profile and if I want to talk, I can contact him. I had a look, then I contacted him, he was my husbands , girlfriends Ex (they have 4 kids together) and we started talking about what was going on, he was going to tell me in case I didn’t already know about the affair and said I didn’t deserve that and neither did the kids. He was a wonderful support during that time.

Once in Victoria me and the kids lives with mum and dad and I focused on their wellbeing and my own. I still talked with “her” ex often and I actually found it quite therapeutic. A few weeks after our arrival I found out my car was never loaded for transport and apparently my now ex husband knew it wouldn’t be brought down because it had goods in it and he never told me. I was distraught as the rental car was costing a fortune and I needed transport for my kids. I literally called her Ex and was crying saying I don’t know what to do, I need that car. The next day he picked it up from the depot where it sat and drove 3500+ km alone down to me so I could have my car ️.

He stayed down in Victoria for a week once he got here and we had a great time, he met the kids as a friend. Then he flew home to QLD. Once he was gone we knew that wouldn’t be the end of it, he wanted to come back and I wanted him back. It was a whirlwind. But you know what, I’m not one to believe there are rules on love, you just go with the flow that’s right. He applied for jobs down here and got one that started a month later, so within weeks he drove down to start his new life. It was tough in the beginning being away from his kids and us having to fork out for motels for him to stay in but we made it. Then after being at mum and dads for 3 months I brought my house and me and the kids moved in, he did all the moving with my dad to get us in. My kids all 7 of them love him and he loves and adores them. Just days before our first Christmas together I found out that our 11 combined kids would soon become a dozen. I surprised him with it for Christmas. We were having our own little baby, due funnily enough on our one year anniversary. It all happened quickly but I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. A month before my due date he took me away and told me it was a break for us before the baby came, my family watched the other kids. He’d arranged a beautiful picnic on the beach that my best friend set up sneakily for us and got down on one knee and proposed.

This is my forever man. I’m just so blessed that something so fantastic came out of something so damaging to me. We set out wedding date for our 2 year anniversary and got married a few weeks back on that very day.

Q: What location did you pick to have your wedding and why did you choose this place?

We had our wedding at Two Brooke’s Bar because it just popped up when I was online one day and the name was perfect for us, because when we get married we become 2 Brooks.

Q: Did you enjoy the wedding planning process? Why or why not?

I enjoyed the planning more than I thought I would. I literally did most of it online, even down to buying my cocomelody wedding dress, and it was amazing getting to spend so much time with my girlfriends chatting about wedding ideas.

Q: What was the best/most memorable part of the day?

The most memorable part of the day was when it was all done and dusted and we were back at our hotel room with our one year old daughter and she was sleeping in the main part of the room and we wanted room service so to avoid waking her we sat together on the floor of the bathroom eating cheese toasties and a curry (the curry was Dale, so random) and it was just us, together, alone. The rest of the day was amazing and a whirlwind of emotions and fun but i loved that moment alone with my new husband.

Q: What did you love most about your custom #Cocomelody dress?

The thing I loved most about my Cocomelody wedding dress was the lace and the timeless look fit with my vintage feel, from the moment I saw that dress I kept coming back to it over all the others.

Q: What do you think about Cocomelody and the customer service?

Cocomelody customer service was great, it was so easy to order and choose things to my liking and my dress arrived so quickly. The whole process was made so easy and enjoyable!


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