Cocomelody Mag

Real Weddings : Ashe & Daniel

Beer, magic water for fun people.

The happy newlyweds perfectly exemplifies this proverb. Ashe and Daniel seem happy and inseparable. Everyone can notice how the Mrs. smiles at her husband, or how they always seem to be laughing or elbowing one another in playfulness.

Twinkle in their eyes, the ease with which they interact, Ashe and Daniel show everyone how happy you can be when you find the right one.

Photo Credit: KMP Photography (Kendra) ; Dress Style:LD3906

Any advice or tips for future Mrs.?

Listen to your gut. Everyone will have an opinion and listen but in the end trust your gut. My favorite parts of my wedding were the things I was unwavering on. Also, do a private last dance. Have everyone leave the room and it is just you two (and the DJ).

What was the inspiration behind your wedding theme?

Dan is a brewer (of beer) by trade and our favorite activity is going on brewery tours and home brewing in the driveway. Adding a more vintage and romantic flair was my big touch.

Tell us your love story!

Dan and I (Ashe) were best friends for about two years in college before we tried the whole dating thing. Happiness truly is marrying your best friend. Dan and I actually proposed on the same day, same place just about 20 yards apart. We were at Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee, WI. Dan proposed outside on the river. I proposed inside by etching the bottom of a Lakefront Brewery glass we already owned with “Marry Me?” A few months ago I got really sick. I was at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Dan and I conquered it all. We have been there for each other. In fact it has only made us closer and stronger. We were so happy that everything fell into place.

Photo Credit: KMP Photography (Kendra) ; Dress Style:LD3906

The best/most memorable part of the day?

Ashe: Best part of the day (other than marrying Dan) seeing our families on the carousel we rented to take photos on. It was such a beautiful moment of here we all are together. It was also amazing seeing peoples ages 10-70 enjoying themselves in a childlike environment. Hey, who doesn’t love a carousel on top of a hill over looking a river and trees? Dan: Seeing Ashe in their wedding dress for the first time. They worked so hard with so many people to have it be their dream dress. There are no words to describe the bliss and awe. It was overwhelming to just be in their beauty. Seeing them light up the way they did. I couldn’t contain myself knowing every road bump we conquered. It was the final step knowing we can start our life adventure together.

Where did you hear/find Cocomelody :

It has been so long I could not tell you.

What did you love most about your Cocomelody dress?

Style. The buttons going all the way down. The two tone. The lace. It checked every box. I even flew from Iowa to LA to try it on! Plus it was cheaper to fly out there and buy a custom dress than the average price of a wedding gown.

Photo Credit: KMP Photography (Kendra) ; Dress Style:LD3906

What do you think about Cocomelody?

The custom option was SO AMAZING. I wish I would’ve had more communication about when they were sending it. What the draft looked like. It wasn’t EXACT. But damn it was close.

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